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In Progress

Percussion part 2

I’ve spend the last month or so working on ideas for the percussion and electronics piece for Glynn. The initial idea I had was for a 7 min piece for drum kit and marimba. The piece began with a cymbal… Read More »Percussion part 2

Random Update

Well calling it 42 is a little wrong because this post wont answer all your questions about life but then will anything? What this post will do is sum up my last few months of inactivity while I’m sitting in… Read More »Random Update

Recent Music

The other night I sat down and worked out what my output has been this year (from Jan 1st) and I was shocked. I have written around 30 mins of music which works out about 20 secs per day. I… Read More »Recent Music


Three months have gone by and not even one update, I feel ashamed of myself considering the amount that has happened. October saw the continuation of rehearsals for the opera, there was quite a lot of stress and a few… Read More »Concerts

Before Leaving

I leave to Paris and inter railing tomorrow! Will be trying to update this thing on my travels maybe with pictures but more than likely just with text. Away for a month and heading round Europe clockwise form Paris to… Read More »Before Leaving

For once a blog that isn’t on a friday night! I feel its time for an update since it has been ages since the last one. Not too much has happened recently, went to Download music festival for a week… Read More »


The last few weeks have been a little hectic, too hectic to post here. Mainly because of finishing off my septet The Space Within but its done and handed in. Would love to hear it played properly but don’t know… Read More »Opera

Friday Again

This does really seem to be a weekly blog. This week hasn’t involved anything too exciting. Just working and going to concerts. Went to seven concerts this week, six of them part of Sonorities Festival at Queen’s and one of… Read More »Friday Again