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Matthew’s Weekly Playlist 26-11-2018

- Brooks Frederickson - Lag (Chuck Furlong, David A. Nagy, Evan Honse, Matt Melore, Mark Utley, Sarah Goldfeather, Pat Swoboda / New Amsterdam Records)
- Mario Batkovic - Quatere (Invada Records)
- Heiner Goebbels - The Horatian - Three Songs: Rome and Alba (Peter Rundel & Junge Deutsche Philharmonie/ ECM Records)
- Matthew Whiteside - Quartet for Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass (Robinson Panoramic Quartet)
- Kelly Moran - Autowave (Warp Records)
- Leah Kardos - Rosamund Chime (Jim Perkins / Bio and twigetti)
- John Cage - Sonata II (Boris Berman / Naxos)
- David Lang - Orpheus Over and Under
- Donnacha Dennehy - Letter O (Nadia Sirota & Liam Byrne / Bedroom Community)
- Colin Matthews - Fourth Sonata (London Sinfonietta / Deutsche Grammophon)
- Kaoru Koyama - Violin Concerto (Vienna Modern Masters)
- Morton Feldman - Rothko Chapel 5 (William Winant, Deborah Dietrich, Karen Rosenak, David Abel / New Albion Records)

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