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Matthew’s Weekly Playlist 10th Sept 2018

- Paul Lansky - Threads: I (So Percussion/Cantaloupe Music
- Sally Norris - 40 24 20 21 (Quatour Bozzini)
- Matthew Whiteside - Piece for Violin and Bass Clarinet (Emma Lloyd and Joanna Nicholson)
- Arvo Pärt - Spiegel Im Spiegel (Murcof and Vanessa Wagner/InFiné)
- James MacMillan - Piano Trio No. 2 (Gould Piano Trio/Champs Hill Records)
- John Casken - Amethyst Deceiver (James Turnbull/Champs Hulls Records)
- György Ligeti - Lontano (Berlin Philharmonic/Warner Classics)
- Kelsy Lu - Dreams (True Panther)

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