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Plug 2011

This is the week of PLUG in RSAMD. Ten concerts in five days and most of the music being played are premiers by the composers within the composition department. I have two pieces being played both on Thursday. The first… Read More »Plug 2011


Three months have gone by and not even one update, I feel ashamed of myself considering the amount that has happened. October saw the continuation of rehearsals for the opera, there was quite a lot of stress and a few… Read More »Concerts


The last few weeks have been a little hectic, too hectic to post here. Mainly because of finishing off my septet The Space Within but its done and handed in. Would love to hear it played properly but don’t know… Read More »Opera

This Week

This week has been an amazing, though stressful week. Monday and Tuesday was preparing for the Queen’s Composers’ Concert on Wednesday final rehearsels, getting programs printed and all that kind of stuff. The concert on Wed was a great success,… Read More »This Week

First Rehearsal

Had my first rehearsal yesterday of Quartet No. 1 went really well, really happy with the players I have :). Though one of them couldn’t make it, he was flying over the Irish sea at the time so a decent… Read More »First Rehearsal


Surprisingly almost finished the draft of my septet and what’s left to do I know exactly where its going to go so shouldn’t be too long before doing the final version. As for the other pieces, well they are getting… Read More »Working